The Disability Law Center (DLC) is the federally mandated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) agency in Massachusetts. We are a private, non-profit organization. As the P&A agency, we seek to make the most impact that we can with limited resources.
We do this by using the majority of our resources to monitor and investigate allegations of abuse and neglect where people with disabilities live and receive services. The rest of DLC’s resources are targeted to promote the rights of people with disabilities through systemic advocacy, training, individual representation, and information and referral.
It is not possible for DLC to provide legal services or direct representation to everyone who calls for assistance. Our federal grants establish eligibility criteria for our services and require us to use funds in a careful manner. We establish the focus for our work based on public input, experience, and identified underserved areas and issues.
We are conducting this survey as one of the ways to help us determine if we are addressing the needs of the disability community or if there are emerging trends we should be focusing on. This is part of our annual priority setting process.
Your feedback is important!
Take the Survey
Complete el Cuestionario